Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stamp happy

Seriously, stamping makes me happy! I just love a fresh clean page asking to be decorated!! This is what create for my to do list and I love it! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Happy finds in my heart

When I started this blog I thought it would be about all the wonderful little finds in the various op shops I frequent. But as time goes on I've realised that in fact it's more about the happy finds in my heart. Things that make me smile each day.
I love that I have found a purpose with my blog other than spending money because that can only last so long before I a) run out if money and b) fill my house with clutter and things I don't really need!
So yay to all the happy little finds in yours and my life!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Doing more of what you love

Yesterday I walked into Kikki k (my fav stationary shop!) only to be pounced in by a staff member (aren't they super happy people! But really I don't blame them i'd be happy to be surrounded by gorgeous stationary too). Anyway, they wanted to see if I was keen for the Happiness sessions they are running. Got me thinking about my current life and work, I really love what I do but bring a bit quiet has me quietly worried. It's hard not to lose sight of what you really want and to be honest I am living my dream! I think I just want more- more success, more equipment, more photos, more people to take pics of, more love, more passion...and I don't know why because I have it all! Sometimes I just need to take stock of what I have. xx

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Love these days

There are some days where it feels a bit ho hum and its on these days I need to remind myself that it's okay to have down time and to find time for relaxation instead of always pushing the barrel.
So after a crazy busy day at a junior lacrosse carnival I wanted to put my feet in the water (to relieve the ache!). And this is where we are! Love it : )

Friday, March 22, 2013

Every day is an Elk day!

There's no denying it- I'm a massive Elk Accessories fan! I simply love it and can't get enough of it!
I will work out what Elk item I want to wear for the day and then base my outfit around that. I love the simplicity, prettiness, class and style of their jewellery! Not to mention their bags, purses, clothes and shoes of which I have too! Ahhh..., life is bliss!
So I am going to attempt to capture what I wear everyday to show you my collection.
Here we go - the first one - a sweet little air balloon brooch. Cute as!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Before + After kids table

It's not very often I do before and agrees but when my little guy fluttered his eyes at me and said this roadside kids table would be perfect for his Lego I could resist! It still need a bit more cleaning up, perhaps a luck of paint on the legs but in the meantime it looks great and does the trick! The colourful space invaders contact worked a treat.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happiness in a fingerprint

I still remember when I got this book through my school book club and how much joy it brought me! It still makes me smile and I love now doing the finger print pictures with my children. Over the years they have created little pictures for me and I simply adore them with their little fingerprints! Thank you Ed Emberley!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My mum likes...

I love finding little things like this from my children. It puts a smile on my face every time!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Balloon chandelier for the man if the house

Frantically on Wednesday night I returned from my parents to set up some decorations for benji (who was by the way in the house) and living in such a tiny place it's not way keeping things a surprise! But Ben being Ben was happy to oblige with not peeking as I led him blindfolded out if the lounge to the bathroom and then toilet then bed! Quite funny really, especially since he's six foot and had to suck! So in the end one feature was the balloon chandelier in the dining room. Nothing grand but personally I liked the concept!!

A few of my favourite things...

I got so excited when I saw these slippers for sale while in Melbourne recently! They are simply me! The fact that nearly all my shoes are this style (minus the flowers) says it all! I'll have to do a shoe post one day to prove it.
Back to the slippers- they are comfortable and warm and oh so pretty... I love wearing them.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sweetness from the 70's

I couldn't resist these super lovely, colourful and find glasses found at the Salvos Glenelg. I actually think they had been there for a while as I had admired them sometime ago but decided I would get them as they made me smile! And who doesn't want to be happy when they drink!!
Turns out my kids & hubby love them too

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Keep in smiling

A new frame with my sweet girl in it that makes me smile, as well my closest friends who mean the world to me.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dining suite- bargain of the year

Ben and I were seriously high 5'ing after we scored this dining suite off!! It was practically brand new, in fact it looked brand new and it was a steel. They were moving and just needed it out of their lives. It's perfect for us!

Tuesdays happy little find

I wasn't actually in the mood to shop today but I happened to be at St Vinnies dropping some things off in an attempt to de-clutter my house! But I simply couldn't resist this funky magazine holder.