Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Happy finds in my heart

When I started this blog I thought it would be about all the wonderful little finds in the various op shops I frequent. But as time goes on I've realised that in fact it's more about the happy finds in my heart. Things that make me smile each day.
I love that I have found a purpose with my blog other than spending money because that can only last so long before I a) run out if money and b) fill my house with clutter and things I don't really need!
So yay to all the happy little finds in yours and my life!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Doing more of what you love

Yesterday I walked into Kikki k (my fav stationary shop!) only to be pounced in by a staff member (aren't they super happy people! But really I don't blame them i'd be happy to be surrounded by gorgeous stationary too). Anyway, they wanted to see if I was keen for the Happiness sessions they are running. Got me thinking about my current life and work, I really love what I do but bring a bit quiet has me quietly worried. It's hard not to lose sight of what you really want and to be honest I am living my dream! I think I just want more- more success, more equipment, more photos, more people to take pics of, more love, more passion...and I don't know why because I have it all! Sometimes I just need to take stock of what I have. xx

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Love these days

There are some days where it feels a bit ho hum and its on these days I need to remind myself that it's okay to have down time and to find time for relaxation instead of always pushing the barrel.
So after a crazy busy day at a junior lacrosse carnival I wanted to put my feet in the water (to relieve the ache!). And this is where we are! Love it : )